Enjoy your stay at Hawaii We think you'd enjoy these hotels for a quick trip out of town.

Our top picks for Average Hotels on Maui

There are more than 700 hotels in Hawaii. We used to have a search on our site of all the hotels, but decided to provide additional help by narrowing the list down to a select few. So we reviewed all the hotels, some of them we visited, others we scoured the Internet for feedback, comparing all the sites, local blogs, whatever we could find. We used that information to narrow the list to all the Average Hotels on Maui. This doesn't guarantee that you'll have a perfect experience, but it goes a long way towards that goal. If you know of a hotel in Maui that should be on this list, please let us know why you feel that way. If you think a hotel on this list doesn't deserve to be on here, let us know that as well. We won't add or remove a hotel by request (otherwise the hotel would simply get staff to recommend their hotel and remove their competitors), but we will use your experiences in deciding if any changes are needed to our list.
Aston Maui Hill
Aston Maui Hill
  • Large groups and families will enjoy the spacious suites at Aston Maui Hill, but people with disabilities will want to choose a different hotel because this one lacks the most accessibility features.
  • Prices From
  •  410 -  891
Ka'anapali Beach Hotel
Ka'anapali Beach Hotel
  • Newly redesigned, each guest room at the Ka'anapali Beach Hotel seamlessly blends modern features with classic Hawaiian touches to create a beautifully relaxing space. Each room boasts stunning views and contains a unique piece of artwork inspired by Hawaiian cultures, such as a traditional octopus lure, that has been handcrafted by the hotel's staff. In a Nutshell: Families will love the hotel's connecting rooms and wide range of activity options, but the property's ongoing renovations may be off-putting to some guests.
  • Prices From
  •  365 -  1014
Palms at Wailea by Outrigger
Palms at Wailea by Outrigger
  • Guests who want a spacious room to relax in on their laid-back vacation will love the Palms at Wailea, but travelers who want to stay on the beach should book elsewhere.
  • Prices From
  •  1007 -  3736
Days Inn By Wyndham Maui Oceanfront
Days Inn By Wyndham Maui Oceanfront
  • The Days Inn by Wyndham Maui Oceanfront is great for people who want to save money on their lodging, but families may not enjoy the small room sizes and limited sleeping arrangements.
  • Prices From
  •  661 -  1649
Residence Inn Maui Wailea
Residence Inn Maui Wailea
  • The Residence Inn Maui Wailea is wonderful for anyone who wants to enjoy a long, relaxing vacation but some people may find its distance from local attractions to be a drawback.
  • Prices From
  •  552 -  1330
Maui Coast Hotel
Maui Coast Hotel
  • Families will enjoy the Maui Coast Hotel’s spacious rooms and complimentary laundry facilities, but some younger travelers may find the décor to be outdated.
  • Prices From
  •  380 -  442